Mel K - As You Wish Talk Radio - EPIC Mel K Truth Bombs!
As You Wish Talk Radio & Tv
(RED PILL TRUTH BOMBS)This Week Special Guest "Mel K" Joins James Gilliland covering What's Really Going On with Hard hitting Facts. Prepare to Receive all of the Missing Pieces!Mel KWe are all in uncharted territory but fortunately patriots have been given clues and a map and we know the basic plan. We, The Digital Army, will track the markers and comb through the news that will guide us all through this great TRANSITION and onward to GREATNESS. Pray, Breathe and let's do this!!Bitchute: Main Channel Sure to:Check Out All of the Best-Selling Books by James Gilliland: Channels: - COME SEE FOR YOUR SELF! Australia - Peter Maxwell Slattery Japan – Greg Sullivanhttp://www.JCETI.ORG/-------------------------------------Visit: As You Wish Talk Radio On The BBS Radio Network You Eceti Stargate MODS for Your Support!-----------------------------------Please Consider LIKING and SUBSCRIBING to Our Channel.ECETI MEDIA: Peter Slattery | Robert BAYWTR Producer: Robert B. #128
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